“Pray for one another so that you will be healthy. The prayer of the righteous can do much if it is earnest.” (James 5:16)
Pray for...

... the people of the Congo
- for young people – More than 45 % of the population is under 15 years old! Please pray for this young, aspiring generation that they will learn to find their way in life despite the poverty, injustice and lack of prospects and to have a positive influence on their country (1 Timothy 4:12).
- for hope – Please pray for heavenly hope that never fades. Please pray that the Congolese people will not be afraid to dream and pursue dreams. Our God is a God of hope (Romans 15:13).
- for jobs – Please pray for economic recovery, for job opportunities to open up for people in Congo and for families to be able to support themselves (Psalm 90:17).
- for health – In the Congo there is no functioning health system, no access to clean drinking water, a lot of trauma from war and violence… Please pray for inner and outer healing for the people of the Congo. Good health and recovery are essential to the well-being of every person and are part of God's heart (Jeremiah 30:17)

... The nation
- for peace – Please pray for peacemakers in Congo. Pray that the masterminds of the war will give up their machinations and armed groups will lay down their weapons. We believe that God has more for the people of Congo and know that God's way is a peaceful one (Matthew 5:9).
- for wisdom – Please pray for decision-makers in politics, business and society that they will handle their tasks, resources and the people entrusted to them responsibly (Proverbs 24:3-4).
- against corruption – Please pray that the plans of the corrupt will fail and the ways of the righteous will lead to the welfare of the people (Psalm 1:6).

... Focus Congo as an organization
- for our team in Germany and the Congo (Bukavu and Goma), for good and open communication with each other. That we seek God's way together, recognize it and follow it as a unit.
- for the people we work with – that they will be protected, filled with hope and guided as they make decisions for their lives.
- for inspiration and wisdom in which doors we should go through, which goals we should pursue and when it is time to say 'no'. Please pray that we remain sensitive to God speaking and working in and through us.
- for support – Please pray that God will allow us to meet people at the right time and move their hearts for the work of Focus Congo. That we find supporters who support us in prayer and financially - also in the long term.