How it all began...
Chiherano. A small village in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, not far from the second largest rainforest in the world. Our founder Pappy Orion lived a peaceful life with his family until the war destroyed everything...

As a child, Pappy experiences war in a cruel way. Violence, chaos and devastation dominate the country. Rebel groups recruit child soldiers for their fights.

Pappy's parents see no choice: they decide to send their 12-year-old son away. Secretly, early in the morning and alone on a journey into the unknown.

Pappy's escape ends as a street child and refugee in Cape Town, where he experiences hunger, violence and crime. Drugs land him in prison until an unexpected encounter completely changes his life. When he calls the street home, he finds his home with God and his calling.

In order to look for his family, he sets off on a journey of reconciliation back to his country for the first time. The cruel reality on the ground catches up with him. Instead of feeling hatred and resentment towards the perpetrators of the war, Pappy's sister, who had every reason to quarrel, teaches him the opposite: "Hold on to love."
Pappy travels to his homeland with his wife Svenja. Together they cannot put an end to the violence, but they can do everything to ensure that the bright future represented by the star in the Congolese national flag becomes a reality for the next generation.
In 2015, Focus Congo asbl was founded as a non-profit aid organization in the Democratic Republic of Congo. In 2016 the association Focus Congo e. V. founded in Germany.
Founder Pappy Orion is honored by the Innovation Business Technology College - IBTC Film School in Bukavu (South Kivu Province, Eastern Congo) for his work with young people in the field of film and media
For the work of Focus Congo and its contribution to peace in Eastern Congo, founder Pappy Orion receives the honorary award from the Initiative Regionale Pour Le Developpement Grands Lacs pour la Paix.
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