A heart for patients in need

Life-saving operations
Relieve physical suffering and pain through life-saving operations and treatments. We make this possible for needy street children and orphans, pregnant women, single parents, widows, fathers... who are among the poorest of the poor and otherwise have no access to medical care. Sometimes simple interventions can provide healing and a healthy future!

Containers full of relief supplies
We invest in them medical infrastructure and equip partner hospitals with essential equipment, because otherwise every corner and corner is missing. Already two containers full high-quality and new relief supplies have reached the Congo and are in action! Medical technicians ensure maintenance and repairs. Help us send the next container of hope on its way!

Medical relief operations
We have already been able to receive medical treatment three times Specialist staff from Germany for Relief operations to our partner hospital Chahi. Surgeon Stephen Gaiseb performed more than 60 operations in less than four weeks. For some patients, treatment and surgery were a last-minute rescue. Further medical aid missions are planned – Are you there?

Training for local specialists
During the relief operations, volunteer medical professionals from Germany instruct local specialists in our partner hospitals in the use of new equipment and new surgical and dressing techniques. In this way we also enable one long-term, high-quality care from patients in the Congo!
Voices from the project

"My son suffered from unspeakable pain. He was operated on several times, but the wound in his stomach kept getting infected. After more than half a year in the hospital, Dr. Stephen from Germany was finally able to help my son. Focus Congo not only took care of the operation Costs, but first of all enables my son to get an education. My heart is full of gratitude."
Mama Kabika
"It was an honor for me to guide the dedicated team at the partner hospital in using the new equipment from Germany. Together we were able to operate on patients and save lives, which was previously not possible due to a lack of equipment. I have already been to the Congo three times and there are further aid missions definitely planned!”
Dr. Stephen Gaiseb
Surgeon from Stuttgart
"The operation at Chahi Hospital gave me a new lease of life. I never had the money for treatment. Without Focus Congo, my daughter would be growing up without a mother today."
"We work under the most challenging conditions and are grateful for the diverse support from Focus Congo. This not only allows us to help more patients, but also ensure higher quality care for our patients."
Dr. Kishimbi
Pediatrician Chahi HospitalQuestions about the project
Medical assistance is currently taking place in our partner hospital “Centre Hospitalier de Chahi” in Bukavu, South Kivu. The hospital is located in a slum on the outskirts of the city, which is also one of the first points of contact for patients and wounded people from remote villages seeking help. Focus Congo has maintained a close relationship with the professionals at Chahi Hospital since 2013.
The patients in our partner hospital “Chahi” are among the poorest of the poor. The aid only benefits patients who would otherwise not be able to afford medical care. These are especially street children and orphans
We are looking for doctors, surgeons, nursing staff and midwives for upcoming relief missions. So far, every emergency worker has worked on a voluntary basis and financed the trip and stay on site themselves. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact us or contact Stephen Gaiseb directly (gaiseb@focuscongo.com), who leads Focus Congo's medical project work.
At the beginning of September, the second container of hope will be sent on its journey to the Congo. For loading from the 2nd to the 5th. Volunteers are still being sought in the Stuttgart area in September. The ship route to Tanzania is financed, but donations are urgently needed for the land route to Bukavu!
In principle, we only accept new and high-quality donations in kind, the maintenance, servicing and commissioning of which can be guaranteed by specialists and medical technicians on site. For inquiries please contact us Stephen Gaiseb (gaiseb@focuscongo.com), who leads Focus Congo's medical project work in Germany.
Charity in action

Yes, I care about patients in the Congo!
Do you have questions?
We look forward to hearing from you and are happy to be there for you at any time!