Media for Peace

Kitoko Oyo
“Kitoko Oyo” means “This Beauty” in Lingala and is a Media project in which locals portray their compatriots who are working for peace in the Congo: inspiring personalities, changemakers and entrepreneurs. Kitoko Oyo has gained particular attention among politicians in the Congo and on social networks worldwide and is showing the world the beautiful and powerful side of Congo and its people! Donations are currently being collected for a magazine

Further training in film & photography & journalism
We want to give young people in the Congo a voice and empower them so that they can... Vote for peace can use in their country. Especially in our time, the media is responsible for this powerful and powerful mouthpiece. Our founder Pappy Orion travels to his country together with media professionals from Australia and the USA Further training in the areas of film, photography and journalism to carry out. Some participants have already found jobs in local media institutions and human rights organizations.

Radio "la Prunelle"
“La Prounelle” is one Radio station, which was founded by young adults in South Kivu province in eastern Congo. He has now become one Platform for exchange, interaction, peace journalism and entrepreneurship and brings young and old as well as people from all backgrounds into dialogue about the future of their own country. Focus Congo supports the initiative with the necessary equipment for the radio station and provides assistance to those responsible for creating content.
Voices from the project

"Focus Congo does great work to empower women to raise their voices in society. They would otherwise not be heard. But they are part of our society and driving forces - not just in their families!"
Journalist and Focus Congo team member
"I appreciate Kitoko Oyo as a project by young locals that shows that there is more hidden in our beautiful country than just war, chaos and destruction. We need young people to raise their voices and stand up for peace in our country. You are the generation of tomorrow!"
Marc Malago Kashekere
Deputy Governor of South Kivu Province
"The further training at Focus Congo in the areas of photography and journalism opened doors for me in the world of work. I understood that we Congolese ourselves have to raise our voices to change our country."
Journalist and Focus Congo team memberQuestions about the project
More information about Kitoko-Oyo can be found on the project website at
Votes for peace

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